Editorial Board

The Editorial Board consists of Cavalli scholars from six countries – the United States of America, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and Spain: Nicola Badolato, Jennifer Williams Brown, Mauro Calcagno, Alan Curtis, Davide Daolmi, Dinko Fabris, Beth Glixon, Jonathan Glixon, Jane Glover, Wendy Heller, Christine Jeanneret, Michael Klaper, Nicola Michelassi, Barbara Nestola, Anna Tedesco.

Ellen Rosand

George A. Saden Professor of Music at Yale University, specializes in Italian vocal music of the 17th and 18th centuries. In addition to articles on Barbara Strozzi, Vivaldi, Handel, and Renaissance Venice, she is the author of Opera in Seventeenth-Century Venice (1991) and Monteverdi‘s Last Operas (2007).

Lorenzo Bianconi

Professor of Musical Dramaturgy at the University of Bologna, specializes in Italian music of the 16th through 18th centuries. He is the author of Music in the Seventeenth Century (1987), and the editor, with Giorgio Pestelli, of The History of Italian Opera (3 vols., 1998-2003), and, with his wife, Giuseppina La Face, of I libretti italiani di G. F. Händel (1992ff.).


General Editor

General Editor
Ellen Rosand, with Álvaro Torrente

Lorenzo Bianconi

Executive editors
Robert Holzer and Hendrik Schulze